Hello everyone,
Welcome to BASK Kilmacolm Summer newsletter.
ADHOC spaces- If you require an ad-hoc space at BASK, please contact us on email bask730936@gmail.com or on the staff phone 07984149544 at any time.
Adhoc spaces are becoming more popular so PLEASE book this as early in advance as possible to avoid disappointment.
To update you on the current staff provision,
Andy McEwing -Service Provider
Carmen Dow- Manager currently on maternity leave
Maggie Grady- Covering Manager
Sarah Hendry – Childcare Practitioner Kilmacolm, currently on maternity leave
Eileen Osborne- Childcare Practitioner Kilmacolm
Karen Gider – Childcare Practitioner Kilmacolm
Gillian Carmichael – Childcare Practitioner Kilmacolm
Jamie Bachoo- Senior Childcare Practitioner Kilmacolm/Port Glasgow
Google reviews
We would be grateful if you can find time to go onto Google and leave BASK a review, it would be great to be able to share the excellent survey results in public.
At the start of the new school term we will be welcoming 18 new children to BASK and sadly losing 20 as well, the new children I’m sure will settle in quickly and become part of the BASK family.
As always, there have been many things happening at BASK: plenty of art and craft which the children love, games, books, x box, switch, loads of free playtime which the children love.
Free play encourages great social interaction and personal development. Lego continues to be very popular, and of course we get them outside as much as we possibly can.
Circle time will be on once every week; we use this time to gather information from the children about what new activities they would like to see at BASK and to receive new snack suggestions.
Dates for Diary
Keep an eye out on the website for what we will get up to come the start for the new school year in 2024/25.
Summer Club
Unfortunately, we could not run our summer club this year due to lack of numbers to make it viable. I understand that our costs can be high but we do include, breakfast, lunch, snacks, excursions, entry fees, transport as well as other activities during the day between 8am – 6pm. We do this to be different to other summer club activities to give the children the best experience as possible.
If anyone has other ideas that we could consider to increase numbers to make the summer club viable then please speak up and let me know.
Lost Property
We have quite a few items of lost property, can we ask if you are missing anything let us know and we can look through the box. It would be really helpful if everything is labelled- makes life easier to find things.
Outside Play
We will continue to be outside as much as possible until the weather turns, we have also been given a grant from Inverclyde Council for outdoor toys which we will be spending soon for the children
Old T-Shirts
For the children can you send in any old T shirts please that the children can wear during crafting and painting activities to keep their uniforms clean.
No one has done this to date so we ask again for old clothing to be sent in.
The last survey we sent out did not have a lot of replies in fact 6 out of 75 parents is all that responded.
We have now introduced a question of the month which staff will ask you at pick up or drop off time. Please give them a minute of your time to do this as all responses help us to improve our service.
Social Media
We have a Facebook Page, ‘Bask in St Columba’s School Kilmacolm’, both of which are private and protected groups and only accessible to BASK approved members. If your child attends BASK you can request to join our groups and we will add you; the groups are both great ways of keeping up with what we are doing at BASK.
CAERUS Registration
Everyone has been emailed with the links to register their details on the Caerus System. This new system will make us digital and hopefully do away with all paperwork for children. We will also use this for our daily registers so it is imperative that everyone signs up before the start of the school term in August.
This system also allows you to update details through your own log in details if anything changes i.e contact phone numbers, emails, dietary requirements, allergies or anything that would be relevant to your child for us to know.
Can you please keep us advised if your child will not be attending BASK. It is vitally important that we know your child won’t be coming to us so we are not spending time looking for them. Message 07984149544 or email bask730936@gmail.com to advise.
BASK Opening Times
Kilmacolm school doors open in the morning at 7.30am until 9am and then from 3pm until close at 6.00pm in the evening.
We do appreciate that sometimes parents can be held up at the end of the day due to unforeseen circumstances and we would ask that you let us know if you are running late, if possible. If we have not heard from you by 6.10pm, the staff will start phoning round to find out what has happened and who will be collecting children using the contact details and emergency contacts that you have provided in the children’s files.
As always, please do not hesitate to speak to me if I can help you in any way whilst your child/ren are with BASK- for any enquiries about spaces or information about the service please contact me on 07984149544 or Bask730936@gmail.com.
Any financial/contract enquiries can be sent to bask730936@gmail.com
Andy McEwing
Service Provider
BASK Care Service Number
c/o Andy McEwing
PA13 4TH
Mobile Number 07984149544
Email bask730936@gmail.com